The Arlington Heights UMC Five & Two Food Truck partners with community agencies to address some of the nutritional needs of our most vulnerable neighbors by reaching out to offer a warm and healthy meal and a chance to connect with others in a real and meaningful way. Consequently, this ministry feeds not only the physical needs of the hungry in our community, but also provides a vehicle to share the love of God in tangible ways for those who hunger spiritually.
The AHUMC Five & Two Food Truck provides meals for families and homeless veterans at the Presbyterian Night Shelter twice each week. We also provide meals for SafeHaven, Samaritan House, TCU Wesley, Como Community events and more. All meals are provided at no cost to the agency or the residents. The AHUMC Five & Two Food Truck is also available for events on a donation basis, which helps support the ongoing work of this ministry.
The AHUMC Five &
Two Food Truck ministry allows us to BE the church in our community by spreading
the love and grace of Jesus Christ with faith, fellowship, and food: literally, our church on wheels! The AHUMC Five & Two Food Truck is
unlimited in its ability to respond to Jesus’ call in Matthew's gospel to “care for the
least of these.” This is a lay-led ministry with a passionate team of
volunteers who strive to bring the church out into the world, The Five
& Two provides opportunities for volunteers, area nonprofit agencies, and
local residents to make a difference in our community, together.